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《Frontiers in Oncology》杂志2022 年6月30日在线发表美国新泽西的Taoran Cui, Joseph Weiner, Shabbar Danish,等撰写的《伽玛刀分阶段立体定向放射外科治疗大的脑转移瘤的生物效应剂量评估。Evaluation of Biological Effective Dose in Gamma Knife Staged Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases》(doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.892139.)。 



伽玛刀(GK)分阶段立体定向放射外科治疗(Staged-SRS)已成为治疗脑转移瘤(BMs)的有效方法;然而,由于肿瘤在两个分阶段疗程之间的退缩,评估总BED一直是具有挑战性的。本研究旨在评价分阶段SRS的总生物效应剂量(BED),并将其与单次分割SRS (SF-SRS)和大分割SRS (HF-SRS)进行比较。

据报道,大约40%的癌症患者有脑转移瘤(BMs)。虽然传统上全脑放疗(WBRT)被用于脑转移瘤的治疗,但立体定向放射外科治疗(SRS)已被证明是一种替代治疗方式,与WBRT相比,具有相似的局部控制率和长期生存,但降低了神经认知毒性。尽管使用单次分割SRS (SF-SRS)治疗小的脑转移瘤效果很好,但直径大于2或3cm的脑转移瘤的局部控制率较低。正如RTOG 90-05方案所建议的,分别应用18 Gy和15 Gy治疗大小为2-3cm或大于3cm的脑转移瘤,以减少辐射剂量外泄到正常脑组织,从而最大限度地降低神经毒性风险。而对小于2厘米的脑转移瘤则用20-24Gy。然而,这些较低的处方剂量所提供的生物效应剂量(BED)较低,不可避免地导致大脑转移瘤的局部控制率不佳。

为了解决对脑转移瘤的适度局部控制率问题,已经开发了多种策略,使用大分割SRS (HF-SRS)和分阶段SRS(Staged-SRS)来提高处方剂量,并取得了良好的效果。大分割和分阶段的方法都利用肿瘤和正常组织对辐射的不同放射生物学反应,将辐射剂量分布在一个时间段内,使正常组织亚致死损伤修复,降低辐射毒性,而SF-SRS使用相同的BED可以传递照射脑转移瘤细胞,获得最佳的局部控制率(Both hypo-fractionated and staged approaches take the advantage of the different radiobiological responses to radiation between tumor and normal tissues by distributing the radiation dose over a period, so that the repair of sublethal damage in normal tissue is allowed to reduce radiation-induced toxicities, while the same BED used in SF-SRS can be delivered to BMs to achieve optimal local control rate.)。然而,两种方法的治疗时间安排不同。HF-SRS通常使用单一治疗计划,在不到2周的时间内分3-6次分割照射。分阶段- SRS通常由2- 3个阶段组成,每隔2- 4周进行,因为在长间隔期间可能会发生解剖学变化,每个阶段生成一个单独的计划(The treatment schedules, however, differ between the two approaches. HF-SRS is usually delivered in 3–6 fractions over less than 2 weeks using a single treatment plan. Staged-SRS usually consists of 2–3 sessions separated by 2- to 4-week intervals where an individual plan is generated for each session due to the possible anatomy change during the long interval between the sessions.)。

由于HF-SRS的治疗日程安排与外照射放疗的相似,传统外照射放疗中广泛采用线性二次(LQ)模型,因此该模型易于应用于HF-SRS。然而,由于分阶段SRS疗程之间的解剖差异和间隔期间肿瘤细胞再生过程,对两个疗程中照射的BED的简单相加,以评估肿瘤和正常组织的放射生物学反应,不再有效(due to the anatomical variation between Staged-SRS sessions and the tumor cell repopulation process during the interval, the simple summation of the BED delivered in both sessions is no longer valid to evaluate the radiobiological responses of tumor and normal tissue. )。

因此,考虑到两个治疗疗程之间可能的肿瘤退缩和再增殖(repopulation ),本研究的目的是建立一个专门的工作流程,评估分阶段SRS治疗对肿瘤和正常组织的BED效应,并比较分阶段SRS、HF-SRS和SF-SRS之间肿瘤和正常组织的放射生物学反应(the purpose of this study was to generate a dedicated workflow to evaluate the BEDs to tumor and normal tissue in Staged-SRS accounting for possible tumor shrinkage and repopulation between the sessions, and to compare the radiobiological response of tumor and normal tissues between Staged-SRS, HF-SRS, and SF-SRS.)。


回顾性分析在某医疗机构接受GK分阶段SRS治疗的患者。分阶段SRS两次疗程的剂量交付使用可变形图像配准求和(The dose delivered in two sessions of Staged-SRS was summed using the deformable image registration. )。对每例患者重新进行接受SF-SRS和HF-SRS的计划。采用线性二次模型计算总BED。采用Wilcoxon检验比较SF-SRS、HF-SRS和分阶段SRS方案中的肿瘤BED98%和大脑V84Gy2(相当于SF-SRS的V12Gy)。

我们对在本医疗机构接受2阶段伽玛刀(GK) SRS治疗大的脑转移瘤的患者进行了回顾性识别,用于经IRB批准的研究[经IRB批准的研究(Pro2018000227)]。


在我们机构,分期SRS的治疗方案与先前报道的相似。简单地说,对任何最大直径大于2cm或总体积大于4cc的靶区进行连续的分期SRS治疗,间隔为4周。如果在每次分期SRS治疗的影像学研究中发现任何其他较小的病变,则根据RTOG 9508协议,同时使用SF-SRS技术治疗。


根据我们医院方案,在每次分阶段SRS疗程中进行一系列T1和T2加权MRI检查。脑转移瘤的肿瘤体积(GTV)在1.5 mm轴位增强T1加权FSPGR MRI上表现为强化,并在独立系列增强T1加权MRI冠状位上进行验证。

治疗当日采用头架固定。既不使用临床边缘扩展,也不使用设置电源扩展;因此,规划靶体积(PTV)与GTV是相同的。对于每次分阶段SRS治疗,使用Elekta GammaPlan治疗计划系统生成一个独立的治疗计划,处方剂量为12-15 Gy,照射到40% - 60%等剂量线。手动调整治疗方案中的靶点位置和权重,以达到100%的靶区覆盖率和>0.6的靶区选择性。在照射前,治疗方案经过了放射肿瘤学家和神经外科医生的审查和批准。





12例患者的24个脑转移瘤接受GK 分阶段SRS治疗。我们观察到分阶段SRS 方案与单次分割(SF-SRS)方案的肿瘤BED98%有显著差异(p <0.05);而脑V84Gy2类似(p = 0.677)。与HF-SRS相比,分阶段SRS没有剂量学上的优势(The dose delivered in two sessions of Staged-SRS was summed using the deformable image registration. )。HF-SRS组肿瘤BED98%明显高于分阶段SRS组的(p <0.05)。尽管PTV较大,HF-SRS计划的脑V84Gy2仍然较低(p <0.05)。



图2 |一个接受两阶段GK SRS的代表性病例的剂量总和演示。将第二阶段(B)获得的MRI图像与第一阶段(A)获得的MRI图像进行变形图像配准,通过目视检查MRI融合(C)和计算第一阶段MRI上原始肿瘤轮廓(青色)与第二阶段MRI上变形肿瘤轮廓(红色)之间的Dice相似系数来评估配准精度。在相同的变形情况下,将第二阶段(E)的原始剂量分布进行变形,并将第一阶段(D)的原始剂量分布进行叠加。剂量求和后,可以在第一阶段MRI (F)上评估两阶段GK SRS的总剂量分布。


图3 |对SF-SRS、HF-SRS和分阶段SRS方案的物理剂量、肿瘤受照总BED和正常脑组织受照总BED作比较的代表性病例。显示处方剂量100%和50%的等剂量线。在第一阶段获得的MRI上显示BED。



在本研究中,我们提出定量评估GK分阶段SRS治疗照射到大的脑转移瘤和危及器官(OAR)的BED的有效方法。提出的方法在治疗MRI之间应用DIR(deformableimage registration 可变形图像登记)来解决分阶段SRS治疗间隔期间潜在的靶体积缩小和应用LQ模型来解决分阶段SRS治疗间隔期间的肿瘤增殖(The proposed approach applies DIR between the treatment MRIs to address the potential target volume shrinkage and the LQ model to account for tumor proliferation during the treatment interval for Staged-SRS.)。由于DIR和LQ模型的实现是独立于治疗方式的,因此我们的方法不局限于GK SRS,并很容易适用于基于LINAC的SRS。我们的结果显示,与SF-SRS相比,分阶段SRS具有剂量学上的优势,允许向肿瘤照射较高的BED,同时保持向正常脑组织照射同等剂量(The proposed approach applies DIR between the treatment MRIs to address the potential target volume shrinkage and the LQ model to account for tumor proliferation during the treatment interval for Staged-SRS.)。然而,尽管由于附加的设置边缘扩展照射较大的PTV, HF-SRS对正常脑组织的照射剂量较低,同时对肿瘤维持照射较高的BED。


为了将一幅图像变形为参考图像,我们采用了基于像素值的DIR算法对两幅图像之间的像素进行关联,这些像素值反映了像素的物理属性。因此,为了独立验证DIR的准确性,我们计算并评估了变形图像和参考图像中同一靶区轮廓的Dice相似系数,轮廓的划定不仅基于像素值中包含的物理性质,还基于解剖学和临床证据(To deform an image to the reference image, the algorithm of DIR used in our study correlates pixels between two images based on the pixel values, which reflect the physical properties of the pixels. Therefore, to independently validate the DIR accuracy, we calculated and assessed the Dice similarity coefficient of the contours of the same target in the deformed and reference images, and the delineation of contours was based on not only the physical properties included in the pixel values but also the anatomical and clinical evidence.)。

关于在SRS中对LQ模型应用一直存在争论。有观点认为LQ模型只考虑了对肿瘤DNA的导致细胞死亡的辐射损伤,而基于在动静脉畸形(AVM)数据中观察到的闭塞效率,更多的证据表明,在每次分割剂量>10 Gy下,微血管功能障碍和基质损伤,也会触发肿瘤袭死亡[he LQ model only considers radiation damage to tumor DNA, which results in cell death, while more evidence has shown that microvascular dysfunction and stromal damage could also trigger tumor cell death at a dose per fraction > 10 Gy based on the obliteration efficiency observed in arteriovenous malformation (AVM) data]。由于LQ模型不能解释这种内皮细胞凋亡,Kirkpatrick等认为LQ预测可能不适用于SRS,且可能低估了肿瘤控制(Because the LQ model fails to account for this endothelial cell apoptosis, Kirkpatrick et al. argued that the LQ prediction might not be appropriate for SRS and might underestimate tumor control)。然而,Brown等反驳说,目前可用的临床前和临床数据还不足以推翻LQ模型,SRS中提供的大BED仍然可能与高肿瘤控制率相关,因为5 Rs的标准放射生物学概念仍然成立。因此,在获得具体的替代模型之前,我们仍然使用LQ模型来评估SRS的辐射生物学效应(Brown et al. (35) rebutted that the currently available preclinical and clinical data (36, 37) are not sufficient to revoke the LQ model, and large BED delivered in SRS could still be correlated with the high tumor control rate since the standard radiobiology concepts of the 5 Rs still hold. Therefore, until a concrete alternative model is available, we still utilized the LQ model to assess the radiobiological effect of SRS in this study. )。

我们还应该注意到,由于LQ模型最初是作为一个解释细胞杀伤的数学模型推导出来的,后来逐渐扩展到考虑更多的放射性生物学因素,因此LQ模型不可避免地过度简化了辐射杀死细胞的复杂性质,而没有解决所有必要的因素。因此,LQ模型得出的结果在临床实践中应谨慎解释(We should also note that, because the LQ model was originally derived as a mathematical model to explain cell killing and was gradually extended to account for more radiobiological factors, the LQ model inevitably oversimplifies the complex nature of cell killing of radiation and does not address all the necessary factors. Therefore, the results derived from the LQ model should be interpreted with caution in clinical practice.)。

在分阶段SRS治疗中,给予肿瘤的生物等效总剂量直接受分阶段SRS期间的时间间隔的影响(The total biologically equivalent dose delivered to a tumor in Staged-SRS is directly affected by the interval between the sessions of the Staged-SRS. )。如公式3所示,当区间T小于肿瘤重新再增殖开始时间( kick-off time )Tk时,可以忽略肿瘤细胞的再增殖,肿瘤的受照总剂量为每个疗程的剂量之和(As shown in Eq. 3, when the interval T is less than the tumor repopulation kick-off time Tk , the proliferation of tumor cells could be ignored and the total dose to tumor is the summation of doses from each session. )。一旦肿瘤细胞开始增殖,BED大约以每天0.77 Gy12的速度下降。因此,较短的间隔时间有利于增加对肿瘤的总BED,从而提高局部控制(Once tumor cells start proliferating, the BED decreases at an approximate rate of 0.77 Gy12 per day. Therefore, a shorter interval is preferred to increase the total BED to tumor and therefore to boost the local control.)。然而,较长的间隔也可能有利于肿瘤更多退缩,从而降低正常脑组织受照毒性( a longer interval might also be advantageous to allow more tumor shrinkage and therefore to reduce normal brain tissue toxicities.)。

与SF-SRS或HF-SRS相比,SF-SRS在较短的时间内进行单次或多次放疗,通常认为肿瘤体积在整个治疗过程中是恒定的,而分阶段SRS的治疗间隔允许肿瘤在第一次治疗后进行放疗,这在以前的研究和我们的研究中都可以观察到。这种肿瘤的退缩有利于减少正常脑组织的剂量,因为它可以在第二阶段减小肿瘤体积。虽然目前还没有一个被广泛接受的模型来评估放疗后肿瘤的缩小,但我们假设肿瘤体积与间隔时间呈负相关(Although there is yet a widely accepted model to evaluate tumor shrinkage after radiotherapy, we hypothesized that the tumor volume is inversely correlated with the interval time.)。因此,作为较高的肿瘤总BED和较小的肿瘤体积之间的折衷,我们建议理想的间隔应该等于肿瘤再增殖的开始时间,即28天,与以前的分阶段SRS研究中使用的时间相似(as a compromise between higher total BED to tumor and smaller tumor volume, we suggest that the ideal interval should be equal to the tumor repopulation kick-off time, which is 28 days, and similar to what was used in previous Staged-SRS studies)。

我们的研究有几个局限性。首先,我们在分阶段SRS期间建模肿瘤细胞再增殖时没有区分不同的肿瘤病理。根据临床观察,不同病理类型的肿瘤细胞的增殖率可能不同。例如,头颈癌以其具有快速克隆原再增殖率的进袭性增殖而闻名()(is known for its aggressive proliferation with a rapid clonogen repopulation rate ),而前列腺癌的肿瘤再增殖速度通常要慢得多,与晚反应的正常组织相似(the tumor repopulation of prostate cancer is usually much slower and similar to that of late-responding normal tissue)。由于本研究纳入的脑转移瘤的原发疾病均为快速增殖的肿瘤,且对每种肿瘤的肿瘤再增殖率的研究尚不充分,我们故意忽略了肿瘤增殖参数a、Tpot和Tk的异质性。其次,为了计算照射肿瘤的总BED,我们假设肿瘤体积在HF-SRS治疗过程中保持不变。然而,有更多的证据支持这一假设。如果HF-SRS能够进行日常图像研究,我们可能会在整个治疗过程中观察到不同的肿瘤体积,这可能会导致与分阶段SRS相比不同的肿瘤BED(more evidence is warranted to support this hypothesis. Had daily image study become available for HF-SRS, we might have observed different tumor volumes throughout a treatment course, which could have resulted in different tumor BEDs compared to Staged-SRS.)。此外,在我们的研究中,由于后勤问题,一些患者在理想的间隔后开始了第二次治疗,这导致了给肿瘤提供了次理想的BED(several patients in our study started the second sessions after the ideal interval due to logistical issues, which resulted in sub-optimal BED delivered to the tumors.)。例如,在我们的研究中观察到的最长间隔是51天。如果患者在第一次治疗后28天接受治疗,分阶段SRS中每个肿瘤的BED将增加17.7 Gy12,每个肿瘤的BED98%将与HF-SRS计划中的相似。最后,本研究的目的是提供一个理论工具来评估BED对肿瘤和正常组织的影响,以协助计划评估。鉴于对SRS中LQ模型的适用性和所提出方法中使用的近似模型参数缺乏共识,未来的临床研究对进一步验证该模型和微调模型参数至关重要。在此之前,需要谨慎使用所呈现的数据进行临床决策。



我们提出了一种计算分阶段SRS治疗中肿瘤和正常脑组织受照复合BED的方法(The dose delivered in two sessions of Staged-SRS was summed using the deformable image registration. )。与SF-SRS相比,分阶段SRS对肿瘤照射的剂量较高,而正常脑组织受照的剂量类似。我们的结果没有显示分阶段SRS比HF-SRS有任何剂量上的优势(Our results did not show any dosimetric advantages of Staged-SRS over HF-SRS. )。





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